Monday, April 16, 2012


     Hey everyone!...welcome to your class blog! This will be an experiment for the rest of the year and I hope you enjoy the chance to share your thoughts and opinions about what we will be discussing in class. Before we begin, here are a couple of simple rules to follow:
     First, please keep your posts about relevant stuff. This is not a personal diary, journal, or class facebook page. Secondly, please respect each others' posts. You are allowed to disagree with each other when you comment, but do so in a respectful, not hurtful, manner. Finally, I want you to take ownership of this blog. I will post questions or assigned entries from time to time, but I have made all of you administrators so that you too can create your own posts.
     So enough talk...let's begin!...first blog question to you: what do you think of this? Crazy idea? Lame? Intriguing? Please let me know, I'd love to hear some feedback!


  1. I think this is a pretty good idea considering the fact that most of us use the internet a lot.

  2. I agree that this is a good idea since this way, we can interact with each other more and hear others opinions. It's also interesting to have a class blog!

  3. I kinda like how we use these new technological advancements in our curriculum and learn at the same time
    & it's better b/c we can open different tabs for stuff like Facebook or research while we are using this and it might save slightly more time than actually writing down
