Friday, April 20, 2012

Did the south have a chance reply

I personally think that the south had a chance. They might have had some disadvantages but they had enough strengths and if they played by their strengths they might have won. The south had the home field advantage. That is a major advantage in war because it requires more forces to try to go into enemy territory and take over their fort. The enemy usually makes more sacrifices. And if the south set traps along the way, it would have increased the casualties done to the north. With the home field, they had better leadership. South would have lost some major battles but the leadership of the north helped the south. They could have used that and fought back with strategies like dividing up the Union forces to make he soldiers confused and so much other strageties. The south could have just defend their forts and cities and drag this battle on so that the north would give up. This stragety would have had great impact if they just set bunch of traps near the forts so that the Union would have casualties before the actual fought began. Even though the north had most advantages, the south still could have won. I agree with jimmy's post and that the south had a fairly good chance of successfully seceeding.

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