Saturday, April 28, 2012

Response to "A Soldier's Motivation"

There are numerous amounts of reasons why men and women enroll in the military to this day.  Some join to seek adventure, to fight for their country, to earn money, to live a seemingly pleasing life in the army.  This can be related back to the Civil War, when many people joined the military for similar purposes.

Back in the Civil War, many soldiers faced much hardship in the army.  Some physical problems include incurable (at that time) diseases, lack of supplies, unsanitary equipment, and malnutrition.  Life was not a luxury for these soldiers, as they faced emotional conflicts as well, such as death of a fellow soldier, separation from family, and forfeit from being a soldier.

Now if I were a soldier in the Civil War, the main hardship I would face would be separation from my family.  Considering that family is something special to each individual, I would worry often of how my parents and sister are holding in their life as we keep in touch only by the method of letter transferring.


  1. I totally agree with you that being separated from your family would probably be the toughest decision. It's emotionally difficult to go many months without seeing your loved ones. It's also hard knowing that any second in battle, death might come your way and you would never see them again. The one thing I disagree with you is that nowadays, people don't really join the military to seek adventure. Back in the days of the Civil War, many wanted to escape boredom and thought of the military as a place to find adventure. However, these days, joining the military does not bring a sense of adventure because people could simply travel the world if they are that desperate for adventure.

  2. I agree that having to be separated from your family for long periods of time would be one of the many hardships that you must face when joining the army. It would also be unbelievably frustrating not knowing how your family was, and how their lives have changed after you have left. Also the fact that you might never see them again, would emotionally effect you and question your service in the military. I also agree that the reasons that men and women join the military are similar to those in the civil war times. Although the hardships might have changed due to technological and medical advances, I believe that there are also new hardships in the military today that would cause a soldier to give up and return home.
