Saturday, April 28, 2012

Re: A Soldier's Motivation

     I think men and women join the military for different reasons in these times as they did back during the Civil War.  Many of the resaons might be the same, such as fighting for what the soldiers beleived in and their loyalty to their country, but there are also other motivations for soldiers today.       Some of the motivations that still exist today for joining the military are the loyalties of the citizens to their country, the glory the soldiers gain when they win a battle, and the payment of enrolling in the military.  The motivations that don't exist anymore are the motivations of adventure, to escape boredom, because people lead much more interesting lives nowadays.  A new motivation is one of gaining benefits from joining the army. 
     I think I would have joined the army during the Civil War because I would get paid, I would get glory and adventure, and I would get to serve my country.  The biggest hardship, however, would be being away from my loved ones for long periods of time.  At least in the current time period, facetiming and skype and other softwares can be used to see your family members anytime you wish.  Back then, letters would take a long time to get back to family, and I wouldn't be able to see the faces of my family for a long time.  If not for family, the biggest hardship would be the risk of death, knowing I might die any second during a battle.

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