Sunday, April 22, 2012

Did The South Have a Chance Response

I think that the Confederacy did have a chance because although the Union had many advantages, there were still some very big flaws in the Union army and the South also had some pretty important advantages too. They had better generals, better soldiers, and a home-field advantage. The South also had motivation to fight because they were fighting to create their own nation. These advantages coupled with the Union's crippling disadvantages gave the confederacy a chance at winning.
             The Confederacy had far superior generals than the North did. Most Union commanders had never led a large group of soldiers into combat before and made a lot of mistakes that prolonged the war. The Southern generals like Lee, however, were more experienced and could use their knowledge of the terrain to create strategies.  They knew all the hills, valleys, and choke points that could give them an advantage in battles.
             The entire Southern army was also more experienced than the Northern one and could actually aim and shoot due to their hunting experience which the Northerners lacked. This was a huge advantage because even though the Union army was large, for each southern soldier they took down the North probably would have lost 2 or 3 because of the Confederate's superior accuracy. They also had motivation to fight and this drove them to continue battling even if the odds were against them.

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