Saturday, April 21, 2012

Did the South Have a Chance Response

      Even though it seemed that the North had the greater advantage of the war, the South still had a chance to win the war. The Union had a bigger population which meant that they would have a larger army than the South. However, the Confederacy had much better generals than the Union. The Confederacy's generals could devise plans to use their strengths against the North. If you have a bunch of people that have no skills in fighting what so ever, they are not as useful, it would take a long time to train soldiers. On the other hand, the South had soldiers that knew how to use a gun and win battles. They wouldn't have to spend their time on training soldiers but on devising strategies. All they had to do was keep on killing the North's soldiers until they ran out.
      They had a home-field advantage and experienced soldiers unlike what the North had. It is exactly like the Revolutionary war. By using their knowledge of their land like the Americans did against the British, they could set up traps and find hiding spots to catch the Northern soldiers unexpectedly and take them down. With the Southern's land as the target, the North had to march down to them, meaning they would need to use their strength and supplies to go around and conquer the South. But the South only had to wait for the North to come and fight them, giving them another advantage.
      The other thing that would help the South is their main goal. They seceded from the Union, so their goal is to not let the Union win. However, the Union had to conquer the South to win and show who's boss. The North had to strategize how to conquer the South and all the South had to do was prevent that from happening. They just had to survive until the North got tired of fighting. The South had a strong reason to fight for, for their independence, and the North didn't have such a strong reason to fight for.
      Even though the United States had seceded from Britain, that does not mean it gives an excuse for the Confederacy to do so too. The only reason the US succeeded in seceding was because they won the war. If the Confederacy wins the war, then they can secede in pride. But for now, they still have to fight the war. So, the Union has to fight to keep the South. If they just let them go, that will show other foreign countries how weak they are and that they are already breaking into pieces. Not only that but the North needs the South for their plantation farms. The North does have industries but most of their materials come from the South.
      The North did seem to have a stronger advantage over the South but that doesn't mean the South didn't have a chance. Just like in the Revolutionary War, Britain had more experience and power, and the US did not. But even so, US won the war. The South had better trained soldiers and generals and a home-field advantage which they could use against the Union. It may not seem much but with a home-field, they could easy place surprises there to use against the North. Lastly, the South's motive gave them a stronger will to fight than the North. That is why the South still had a chance of winning.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your points that supported why the South had a chance. I also like your opinion on the consequences of this war and the secession of the South.
