Sunday, April 29, 2012

Set Phasers to Fun!

There are many reasons people join the army, but it boils down to whether they joined in their free will or not. People join the army today because they are drafted or because they want to serve their country or prove themselves. During the Civil War, men also joined due to their loyalty, but it was either for their country or their state. Honor and conformity were big reasons for many to join, and they still are today. 

War is a necessary evil in that it must be done to protect those that you care for. I would join the army so that others won't have to, so that they would not leave their families and die away from home. It would hard for me to leave my family behind and overcome my fear of dying but its all worth it if it means I could protect those that I care for.


  1. This is well written, I like it.
    I do agree that war is a necessary evil, that it is needed to protect the citizens. I also think that though war is necessary, it is still a horrible subject, with so many people dying in the process. To fight and kill people to prove loyalty is pretty brutal, and nowadays it has gotten even more brutal. I think most people would prefer it if there is no war at all, if everything could have a compromise to go along with it. However, that is not human nature, which is why war occurs, and is necessary.

  2. I think you are very brave to put your life on the line to protect those that you care for and that is something that is greatly honored.
    It is true that war is necessary to protect those that you care for and to fight for what you believe in. But sometimes I wonder is war the only option to settle our differences? Is there any other way besides war and killing people to fight for what we believe in?

  3. I agree with the fact that war is sometimes necessary to protect the country or settle differences. People join to put their lives in front of others so that they won't have to face horrors like, in other countries.
