Sunday, April 29, 2012

a soldier's motivation

I think men and women join the army because they feel motivated to serve their country and protect it. They also might join because it might be exciting to them or a childhood dream. These are also some of the same reasons people joined in the past because they wanted to serve their country and to fight for what they believed in. In my opinion i do not think joining the military is worth the risk involved because of course there is always the chance you will die in battle but your death will hurt more people than just you because it affects your family, friends, and people you know. I would not have joined during the Civil war.


  1. You might die and your family and friends may be affected by it, but joining isn't certain death. There is still the chance you will live. Joining the army also saves more than just your own life.

  2. I agree. Not only will your death hurt your friends and family, but your victims' friends and family as well. I do not think that the sacrifices from these people is necessary to win the war. Ergo, I will completely avoid it and stick to my normal life.

  3. I wouldn't have joined either during the Civil War, because there are many scary risks. It's true there's a chance that you will still live, but the chances are 50/50.
