Sunday, April 29, 2012

          There are many reasons men and women would join the military today. Some join for the honor of serving their country, while others join to seek adventure and experience new things. People might join the military for financial reasons or to receive an education. These reasons are very similar to the reasons people joined to fight in the Civil War. They were bored of being farmers and decided to do something more exciting or just needed money. I believe joining the military is worth the risk. I would be motivated to fight in a war if it meant protecting my family at home. I would join the Civil War to fight for what I believe in and I believe that slavery is wrong. The hardest part of being a soldier for me is probably home sickness. I would miss my family too much.  

1 comment:

  1. I don't think that it was worth the risk because there wasnt much adventure and also money was not a big deal. Also, the risks were very high causing more death
