Sunday, April 29, 2012


I think that people join the army today to actually defend their country. Back then, in the Civil War times people joined the army to get a sense of excitement an adventure, when now it is for legit reasons. For me to join the army, there would have to be some really bad stuff going on in the United States.  I wouldn't just loin the army for no reason, unless I had family who been in the army or anything like that. In my opinion the army isn't really worth all that is risked when yo go yo war. Yes, I know the commercials make the service look so cool, but in reality they send you to camp for a couple of weeks or so, and send you out to war. If your are a person with gun skills or tactical strategy skills, you might have an edge on everybody. But for those who are people just joining the army, they are entering a world they've never seen before. The reasons that people join the army now, and why they joined the army back in the Civil War times differ. Something that would be hard for me to do in the army is discipline. Physical training I would be fine with, and me being away from my family wouldn't bother me. But, being in a straight line all the time, and learning drills, would be harder for me. Especially in serious situations, I would be so nervous and what not, I might just mess up.

1 comment:

  1. I think that during the Civil War, people joined the army for "legit" reasons too. Joining because of their loyalty to the country or state and the way of life they value seems pretty legitimate to me. I agree with you in that the commercials for the military do show a more appealing side of military service, but then again, do not commercials make everything seem more appealing? I have not thought about the discipline aspect of the military, but that is true. In order to be a part of the military, you would need to have discipline and patience.
