Sunday, May 20, 2012

What If?

I believe that if the Confederacy had won the Battle Of Gettysburg it would not have effected the outcome of the Civil War. The Union would lose many soldiers and commanders, but do to Pickets Charge the Confederates would lose many soldiers and commanders too. Even with the many union deaths, the North still has a very large population so drafting more soldiers would be easy. The biggest blow the North would receive from this loss is their morale. While the North's morale is low, the South's motivation would become great. Though winning this battle would be a great victory for the Confederacy, it still would have not won them the support from Britain or France. It just doesn't make any sense to ban slavery in your country and support it in another. Abraham Lincoln would not make a treaty with the South even if this was a huge loss. He would not do this because he had already announced the Emancipation Proclamation. If he took this back the Union would look weak not only to the Confederacy, but to the world. So even though this battle was very important to the Union, losing it would not mean losing the Civil War.

1 comment:

  1. Even though the North had more soldiers, the Confederacy will have the better generals. What is the use of having an army with no control over? They will be no good. A good general is needed for a good army. Also, the Confederates winning on both sides could have made the European nations think that the Confederacy are on a roll. They are winning key battles. This could make Europe help them even if slavery existed. If Lincoln didn't make a peace treaty and kept trying, the Union could have been destroyed all together, in one piece. This mistake could lead to the disappearance of the Union. Then who's going to take all the blame? Lincoln will take it all, and he will be really hated for not preserving the Union, but making it disappear.
