Monday, May 28, 2012

Second Battle of Bull Run Study Guide

IM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE POST. D: SO IF YOU STILL NEED THIS... Date of Battle: August 28- August 30, 1862 Location: Prince William County, Virginia Commanders: -Union- MAJOR GENERAL JOHN POPE -Confederacy- General Robert E. Lee, General Thomas J. Jackson, LIEUTENANT JAMES LONGSTREET Strategy: -Union- They were split up. Pope wanted to protect Shenandoah Valley and draw Confederate forces away from his other fellow General McClellan's army. The Union wanted to attack the Confederacy back after being trapped by jackson's army. -Confederacy- Jackson destroyed Union communication systems. They saw that the split of the Union armies was a weakness and wanted to attack Pope's army. However, the Union eventually links back together and the plan is foiled and outnumbered so back up is needed to be brought in. Longstreets regiment is on the battlefield and takes out the Union from the left side. It is a surprise attack. Casualties for Union: Deaths-1724 Wounded-8372 Missing-5598 Total-6054 Casualties for Confederacy: Deaths-1481 Wounded-7627 Missing-89 Total-9197 Outcome: CONFEDERACY WINS

1 comment:

  1. i spaced it own but it came out like this -____- im sorry.
