Sunday, May 13, 2012

Response-"Glory" Reflection

The movie "Glory" is based upon letters written between General Robert Shaw and his parents during the Civil War. This already says the the movie is based on real facts, and the information is realistic. Of course, the battles that take place are not half as bloody and the men might not say the exact terms and such, but that of course would be impossible to figure out. However, in some sections of the movie, the acting gets a little stereotypical and Hollywood like. When the regiment of whites cheer on the 54 Massachusetts Regiment, it didn't seem real because in the beginning of the movie, General Shaw received a notice from the War Department that stated if any African found in uniform would be shot, and any white officer caught in charge of them would be executed. I thought that the white soldiers would have cursed and jeered at the 54 Regiment, not cheer them on into battle. Then again, all movies have little perks to them. This overall was a very inspiring story that is based upon a platform of true facts, but was dramatic in some areas, as all movies are.

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