Sunday, May 20, 2012

What If the Confederacy Won?

Gettysburg was a large component to whoever won the civil war. It played a large role as it was the turning point for the Union. If the Confederacy won it will inevitably lead to their win of the civil war as they already made many early victories. The victory, however, won't change the fact that France and Britain won't help them as they were always against slavery, not willing to help. They wouldn't even help the Union ever since they declared that the war was over the issue on slavery. Like the issue on foreign support, Lincoln would've not changed his mind on reuniting the Union as well as abolishing slavery as he was too determined to do so. Lincoln's main focus was to unite the Union even if it meant to allow slavery, but ever since the Emancipation Proclamation, the war was now declared to be over the issue on slavery. With that, if the Confederacy won, there would be a lot of controversy rather than leaving the South in peace.

1 comment:

  1. Even if the Confederacy wins, we I do not think it will change the war much. The Confederacy was already dominating and so it is not like winning would change much. However, I do agree with you on the fact that foreign countries would not help no matter what happens.
