Sunday, May 20, 2012

What if response

Although it is not certain of how the out come of the war would have changed if we were to give the confederates the win at Gettysburg, in my opinion it would have changed the war greatly. I believe that if the confederates overcame the odds that were against them, and managed to pull a victory at Gettysburg, it would have been a high moral booster for the south, as the north's moral would have been almost gone. The south would have the energy and motivation, to power through the war and stay on the offensive, while the north questioning their chances at winning the war after such a great loss, would start to fall back, and start to give in to the south. I don't think that a victory at Gettysburg however would have gotten Britain or France to help out in the war, because of the fact that this war was still a matter of slavery, and neither countries supported it. A victory at Gettysburg might not have been a certain victory of the war for the confederates, but I believe that it would have prolonged the war for a substantial amount of time, almost to a point where Lincoln might have considered letting the confederates go their own way.

1 comment:

  1. If the war did rage on, the Confederacy would not be able to endure. They had little troops and supplies, unlike the Union. The horrendous conditions of the Confederate military camps would also take a large portion of the soldiers. Because of all this, I don't think that another major battle would be able to claim the win.
