Thursday, May 10, 2012

Glory Reflection

      In the movie Glory, I was really surprised about the part when Shaw read out the paper saying that anyone caught training colored soldiers or being one would be killed. I thought that some of the white commanders would quit because they would be risking their lives for training colored men. But they didn't, every single one of them stayed to fight for the Union.
      I also learned how much you had to train in the army. They had to get used to the loud gunshots of the battlefield, load the gun quickly, and be able to kill. I also thought that they would have at least some of the proper equipment such as shoes, but they didn't. Their foots were torn and swollen from not having proper shoes to protect their feet. Not only that, even though they were risking their lives like the white soldiers for the same cause, they received only $10 instead of $13.
      In my opinion, I think this movie was quite realistic. They had to go through difficult training to get them prepared and the lack of supplies such as shoes. One would think they wouldn't be as disciplined and act more like Col. Montgomery's men, but it all depends on the general. If he gains the respect of his soldiers, then they will listen to his commands like mature soldiers. Also, I'm sure there were songs sang throughout the camp to keep their spirits up and give themselves hope. However, the thing that I did not really think was realistic is that Shaw faced against someone of higher rank than him just to get his soldiers to get some of the action. He might have asked, but not demand against someone of higher rank.
      After this movie, I really want to actually read the letters sent from Robert Gould Shaw.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. I it was very hard a difficult for the slaves to fight since at first they did not even have shoes! And also, i was surprised that very little to none had left after the confederate notice. I also agree with all the hard things that had happened but the only unrealistic thing was how they charged.
