Saturday, May 19, 2012

What if response

If the south did win the Battle of Ghettysburg I think the south would have had a good chance of winning the war. The battle would have been a great moral booster. The main reason south had to eventually give up is hat try lost most of their men in this battle. But is they won, they would have had more men to continue fighting and the moral booster would make the north feel like there is no legitimate reason to fight if they lose all the major battles. The south might have even gained some supports from foreign countries. Foreign countries can use the south as a major trade partner if they helped south be independent. And president Lincoln ould have been pressured by a lot of people to give up since there was no victories.


  1. I agree with what you said about President Licoln being pressured by a lot of people about giving up the Civil War. Moreover, I agree with what you said about how the Northern army would feel like there's no reason to fight.

  2. I disagree that the South would need anymore moral boosters because majority of the battles were won by the South. The questions is then "Why wouldn't soldiers be motivated earlier?" I also disagree that the battle would have any foreign support to come from it because at that time, they resisted to help out of slavery. They thought they would be hypocritical to join in a war where the South is fighting for slavery when they thought it was morally wrong. Along with that, South wasn't the the only cotton industry around; Britain found other alternatives as well. Why would they be helping slavery when they could receive cotton elsewhere? Other than that though, I do agree with your other statements about the south having a good chance of winning the war and about Lincoln's pressure on victory.
