Saturday, May 12, 2012


The movie Glory was a movie that based on the 54th Massachusetts, a Union army of colored men.  While watching this film, the bravery of the blacks surprised me.  When Shaw asked who would wish to drop out of the army after telling them of the confederacy's harsh tendency to black soldiers, none stepped up to do so, and they continued to take part as soldiers.

I began to empathize with these soldiers.  They experienced through times of hardship, sorrow, and enjoyment.  One scene that fascinated me was the time when they circled around, singing spirituals as one.  However, some rebellious people such as Trip had to endure through beatings for stealing and other crimes, which brought memories of the past as slaves.

In my point of view, the movie was heart-touching, but I believe that it was another Hollywood style film rather than a good interpretation of history.  I believe that the colored soldiers would have been treated more harshly than the whites rather than being widely celebrated by them.  Although the colored soldiers had accomplished great tasks, there was still great prejudice, and even if some opposed slavery, it didn't mean that they truly liked colored in general.

But there were some aspects that did make the movie realistic.  In fact, there were shown prejudice towards the colored, when the Union commander refused to grant them shoes.  Also, the colored were paid lesser than the whites.

Therefore, the movie Glory was truly one to see, as it taught me about the life of the colored soldiers as well as allowing me to see a glorious, emotional movie.

1 comment:

  1. I also expected at least some of the soldiers to drop out, but their bravery in war shouldn't be surprising, since they had the incentive to get rid of slavery.

    It is great to see them singing together, doing their own thing, as opposed to just dreading the coming battle. It is also great to see that they keep their spirits high after the harsh training in the day. However, the beatings that Trip took wouldn't have happened if the black soldiers had been given shoes. Again, this shows us the discrimination they had to go through.
