Sunday, May 20, 2012

"What If..." Response

  If the Confederacy had won the Battle of Gettysburg, I think the Civil War would have continued even more. When the Confederacy won the 1st Battle of Bull Run, the Union side knew that the war would take longer to end. The same situation would happen if the Confederacy won the Gettysburg battle. 
  I don't think Britain nor France would have supported the Confederacy if they had won. They have abolished slavery so I think it would be impossible for them to ever side with the Confederacy. Especially if it was just them winning one battle. I also don not think Lincoln would have made peace with the South. Although he desperately wants the South to come back to the North, I think he still would have fought for a united country. Slavery is still an issue that Lincoln would greatly want to resolve. 

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