Sunday, May 20, 2012

What If?... Response

     First of all, I am pretty sure Lincoln would not have given up at this point if the Union had lost.  He had already given the Emancipation Proclamation, so giving up would seem weak and maybe discourage some slaves.  The Union had lost battles before; losing another one, even if it is a major battle, would not change Lincoln's mind.      Also, I cannot say that if the Confederacy had won, the battle would not have mattered as much for the Confederacy as it did for the Union.  The Confederacy was already in control of the Civil War and adding the Battle of Gettysberg to its list of victories would not change much.  A reason why it was so important for the Union was because they were losing the war, so a big win like this turned the tide in their favor.  However, the tide of the war was already in the Confederacy's favor, so this victory would not have been as powerful as it was for the Union.  Basically, I believe that the rest of the Civil War could have gone either way even if the Confederacy wins, since the Confederacy was already winning and the Union was already losing.
      Finally, France or Britain would not have supported the South, since the war does not change anything and since they banned slavery, why suppot something that was banned?

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